Monday, February 20, 2012

How do we graph Rotations?

1. Know the angle of rotation.
2. Know the direction (either it is clockwise or counterclockwise)
3. Use the formula of the given angle to each point.

90 degree rotation
(x,y) → (-y,x)

-90 degree rotation
(x,y) → (-y,x)

180 degree rotation
(x,y) → (-x,-y)

270 degree rotation
(x,y) → (y,-x)

How do we use the other definitions of transformations?

Glide reflection- its a reflection of a figure in a lince and a translation along that line.

Orientaion- The arrangments of points.

Isometry-  When the image of the LENGTH and the SIZE stays the same after the transformation to the original shape.

Direct Isometry- when the orientaion of the letters stay the same and it's length.

Opposite Isometry- The letter points of the shape, is backwards on the image but the length are the same. Just like a reflection.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

How do we graph dilations?

- Dilation is one of the four transformations that causes an image to stretch or shrinks using it's scale factor, to it's original size. * The description of A dilation usually includes the scale factor Or the ratio. * With the scale factor, you have to multiply the dimensions of the original To get the answer of the dilated image.

Monday, February 6, 2012

How do we identify transformations ?

A transformation is when you move a geometric figure. Including translation, rotation, reflection, and dialtion. 

  • Translation- Every point is moved the same distance in the same direction.
  • Reflection- figure is flipped over a line of symmetry.
  • Rotation- Figure is turned around in one point.
  • Dialtion- An enlargment or reduction in size of the image.